Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Last week we put together a bunch of christmas boxes for the troops 
to send over seas.

Everyone praying over the boxes.

A lot of stuff to go in the boxes donated by The Redistribution Center.

This is just a quarter of the boxes we filled.

Everyone packing away!

Lots of good stuff.

This one guy hand carved 4,500 of these cars. It took 30 minuets to do one car!

This is Rayna Kelly the founder of the Redistribution Center. She's AWESOME!!!!! 

7 news was even there!!!!

Some girl filling up her box.

This is a soldiers cute little kid.

Another cute kid!

Not a very good pic. but it shows everybody at work.

A really cool cake someone made for the day!

After we filled up the truck! A grand total of 4,000 boxes. (Thats just my guess.)

1 comment:

Sarah Morgan said...

that is so cool! I love the little boy!