Sunday, November 20, 2011

Ok.. so me and Amanda were sooo bored we just decided
to just go down to an open space by our house and mess around!!!! 

Just had her go out into the distance!! 

There was a lot of weeds out there!!

Thought this would be cool.

She's so cute:)

In deep thought...

Sneaking around... lol

This was my dads idea.

This is definitely my favorite!!!!

Another one that dad thought up.

We both just got new boots, so I had to take this one!!

If you look in her eye you can see me!!!!

A pile of rubble..

Her running to the barn!!


Sarah Morgan said...

those are awesome! her outfit is bomb... especially her shirt and her boots!

Hope Chartier said...

Hey good job Emily!!! I love the pictures of Amanda!