Saturday, March 17, 2012

This week was party week at our Good News Club..
So we decided to to a skit... Most of you probably know the skit "Mrs. Hockinstock". 
If you don't, HERE is our version of it......

My camera was run by my mom, and it kept stopping, so a lot of it is cut off (It will have like a little skip to it).....

So the first part that was cut off right when they were doing flash card, was when Mrs. Hockinstock told all the kids that they were going to read a very special book called "Mrs. Hockintocks Great Big Book Of Everything!" So of course the kids were very excited about that, but they had to wait until after recess. So Mrs. Hockinstock dismissed them for recess and thats right when Cassie comes back in the class room..

Then right after the video ends is right when Sydney is telling Mrs. Hockinstock her story and then Cassie admits she ripped the book and Sydney does too. Then Mrs. Hockinstock talked to the kids about lying and all that etc...etc....etc.....

Hope you enjoyed it!!

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