Saturday, April 14, 2012


I feel like a horrible blogger:( Sorry.........

A lot of these pictures are grainy.... I still dont have my lens fixed:(

So finally the Easter post!!

My place at the table

Yummy food!!


She really liked the little bunny's..

I can't remember what she was laughing at but I think it was something Aunt Kayce said....

Robert and Aunt Kaycee

I love this!!!!!

I can't believe Robert is already 12...

Robert decided he wanted a cookie instead of cake.... I was fine with that cause I HATE cake:)

Getting ready to open up his presents.

Yes....She did go to me:)

Amanda took all of these really cool pictures!!! I love them!!!
I just edited them:)

I like this one..

I thought her facial expression is really funny:) 

And this is when I take the pictures over again:)

Our Great Grandpa

Amanda felt very special cause she got to lead the little kids easter egg hunt:)

Our dads mom

Aunt Kaycee

Olivia showing our Great Grandma her new watch.

Love the sunglasses

Uncle John

No we did not let her eat that whole thing:)

Kaylee was the first one to find an egg.

Look at her face....:)

I guess they hid eggs up an the swing set.

The gazing ball... I put these on just for you grandpa:)

Dad was so happy Kaylee would actually look at him.

Yes I took a lot of pictures of Kaylee:)

Staring to love money at a young age!

I love her dress...

Hanging out on the lawn.


Well thats it!!! 

1 comment:

starshining4ever said...

That lunch table looks really pretty! The hat and Easter egg pics are totally awesome!!!