Monday, May 7, 2012

This is the 2012 anual Fort Lupton reenactment day!
I'm not going to say anything about the pictures because I would be on the computer for a cupel of hours:)

That's it.
Thank you Pastor Olsen for giving us the opportunity to do this!


Sarah Morgan said...

Yay! Thank you for posting these! :)

Rebecca said...

Awesome pictures, Emily!!! I really love the black and white one of Tori shooting the gun! That was such an awesome day!

Riley said...

Great post! Fourth down is the best!!, with the cannon in the background, it looks pro. And the one of you firing is awesome, who took it?

Emily said...

Thanks everyone.... The one of me shooting Trenton took....:)

starshining4ever said...

SO cool!!!!! Especially the pics of the girls shooting the guns! Food looked delicious :) And the surgeon.....whoa :)

Nathan G. said...

Awesome photos! (even though you didn't post my cheesy smile...:P)

Emily said...

That one is coming on the next post... Don't worry:)