Thursday, September 20, 2012

Grandma's Birthday:

Our Great Grandma's  birthday was on Monday.

Amanda's finger:)

Pretty rose from our concert. By the way, thanks to all who showed up!

Me and Olivia.

My smile is a little interesting but Olivia is sooo cute!

I kinda got in the magic card trick mood. So this is on that I did. It's not amazing and it really has no trick to it. You just do what I did in the video:)

1 comment:

Riley said...

The trick is really cool, it puzzled me, so I had to try it out. So I came to the conclusion that, this is one of the reasons I like math so much. As long as you follow the rules, it all makes sense.
The last one of you and Olivia is so cute!! Olivia face is priceless!