Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Madeline's Senior Pictures

Finally! Madeline's Senior pictures!!


I can't believe my baby sister is actually graduating!
I guess I can't really say that she is a baby anymore because, as you can see,
she has grown into a beautiful young woman!
She has worked so hard and has been so diligent in learning and perfecting her ability to play the viola so wonderfully!
I absolutely love spending time with her at anytime of the day!
She can make me laugh during a time that I had wanted to cry five seconds
before she came into the room!
Some of my fondest memories in life are times that I have spent with her!
I love her smile, her personalty and her sense of humor!
I am so proud to be able to call her my sister and, yes, my best friend!
Can't wait to experience all the exciting things that we will do in the future together!!
I love you so much my dear little sister! <3 <3


Yes I know I took a ton of pictures but I already trimmed down the amount that I'm posting by at least 100!!! :D

I'd have to say that this is one of my favorites!

Love her smile!

Another favorite!!

That laugh!!! :D

My all time FAVORITE!!!!

This is a real fall:)

And she saves herself!


Love how this shows her amazing personality! 

Hope you enjoyed looking at my beautiful sister!!! :) 

Congratulations Maddie!!!!

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